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The essays come first, followed by various barbs.
Academic Writings(From newest to oldest).Love him or hate him, Robert Heinlein's impact on SF cannot be ignored. Anti-feminism, Militarism, and Manifest Destiny in Robert A. Heinlein's To Sail Beyond the Sunset, looks at the fundamental contradictions in Heinlein's views about things like nationalism, feminism, and related "isms." Unsound in Body, Mind, and Institution is an essay on cultural ideas of insanity and how those ideas have shaped the unconscionable way crazy people have been and still are treated in this society. A Lost Argument: Uncle Tom's Cabin in a Southern Racist Tradition looks at some of the less explored, and less savory, sources for Harriet Beecher Stowe's anti-slavery novels. Constance Coiner was the best professor I ever had. She died on TWA flight 800. I had lots of fun writing "Oh, Heathcliff, Tie Me Up!": Dominance-Submission Gentrified and Denaturalized in Giardina and Allison for her, a bit of "vulgar socialism" about class and sex in Dorothy Allison's Bastard Out of Carolina and Denise Giardina's Storming Heaven. Abused Children, Perfect homes, and the Devil is my master's thesis, looking at the early 90's hoopala about "satanic ritual abuse," and the parallel hoopala about "false memory syndrome". Read the abstract for more information, and take a look at my 2001 Afterthoughts on the thesis for recent developments and some things I didn't say but wish I had. Many of the ideas in the paper on Gardina and Allison had their genesis about a year earlier in Childhood Sexuality in Bastard Out of Carolina. Hysterical Bobbysoxers or Hideous Bitches: Ahistoricizing "Affliction" looks at the growth over time of the myth that the accusers in the Salem witch trials were "hysterical teenagers," and was the cognitive seed that later evolved into my master's thesis.
Various BarbsThirty years after the revival of the women's movement, and a full century and a half after the origins of feminism, it's rather scary that a major company can be so clueless as to turn out a line of "Barbie" computers for boys and "Hot Wheels" ones for girls. Or was it the other way round? Anyway, if the very idea makes you nauseous, you may want to take some Dramamine before reading about it. Postscript: the company that made the computers went belly up shortly before Christmas of 2000, after taking payments for thousands of orders that they never fulfilled, and owing Mattel $20 million in royalties.
Election Lotteries
A Chaste Proposal
Something that is completely obsolete