Morgan Dhu's Homepage





Rants & Rambles



About Morgan Dhu
(Vanity! Me! Memememememe!)

My Partner

On June 2, 2001, I was handfasted to the most wonderful person in the universe. OK, I'm biased, but still... We've been together since the fall of 1997 and it just keeps getting better and better. A great deal more about my partner can be found on his homepage.
My partner imitates St. Francis in New Mexico

Glaurung studying
I should warn you, though - my partner is a dragon, and a very scholarly one at that. Here is the first life drawing I ever made of my beloved. Of course, since dragons are polymorphous, in order to avoid frightening the horses, my beloved generally takes the form of a human when others are around. When we are alone, of course, anything can happen, and often does. Have you ever danced with a dragon?

Another drawing of the two of us is at the far left.

We also have a page describing our handfasting celebration.


My ancestors are Celts. Most of them are from the Isle of Lewis and Harris, off the western coast of Scotland. The rest of them are from somewhere in Wales. I have a rather strong sense of identification with my Celtic heritage. Here is another one of my drawings. The crest on the scroll is that of my own clan.
Hold Fast
In California, I commune with the redwoods
In California, I commune with the redwoods
Finally, here is one of the few
photographs of me that I like.