Morgan and David in need of a room
Still in need of a room after four years

Morgan & David's Handfasting

Do you have enough insulin?
We have insulin if you need it

On Saturday, 2 June 2001, Morgan MacLeod and David Pierce celebrated their handfasting in front of a crowd of forty family and friends, with many more friends gathered in spirit. This page commemorates that event with words and selected pictures.

What is handfasting anyway?

Handfasting is a traditional Celtic commitment ceremony which is commonly used by modern pagans as a celebration of union. The core of this ancient ceremony is the binding together of the joined hands of the celebrants signifying their love and their commitment to join their lives together. In the original tradition, a handfasting marked a union of variable length, often a year and a day or some other period chosen by the celebrants. Modern pagans celebrate handfastings both for short term and life long commitments.

Modern paganism is very much a "roll your own ritual" thing. Some ceremonies can be very baroque, ours was quite simple, and celebrated our lifelong commitment.

Additional information for the terminally curious:

PookLaRoux's Handfasting FAQ WITCHES WED: Handfastings & Pagan Weddings

Very loud bagpipe music enabled our guests to find us
The piper made it easy to find us

The Place

We needed an outdoor setting for the handfasting ritual near a nice old fashioned dining room for the reception. Since Camelot was unavailable, the Black Creek Pioneer Village seemed the perfect spot.

A "living history museum of the 1860's," the Village has many beautiful, fully restored historical buildings where professional reenactors print pamphlets, weave cloth, make utensils, grind grain, bake food, and so on, using period tools, technology, and recipes.

David found a lawn with a grove of maple trees growing in a semicircle that was nearly perfect for the ritual. The only thing lacking was a piper, so we hired one. In addition to adding just the right atmosphere, the music enabled all our guests to find us easily.

Our Quarters

Our best friends agreed to act as our Quarters. Each wore a polished stone in the color of their element, strung as a pendant. However, we did not ask our Quarters to wear color coded bridesmaid dresses.

Sam, caller of the West,
wore Lapis-Lazuli for Water

Sam keeps the rain away
Sam kept the rain from
starting until the ritual was ended

Ronald, caller of the North,
wore jade for Earth

Ronald with the handfasting cord
Ronald stands ready with the handfasting cord

Sadie, caller of the South,
wore Jasper for Fire

Calling upon fire is serious work
Summoning fire is perilous,
but Sadie knew what she was doing

Cathy, caller of the East,
wore quartz for Air

It's not a real handfasting unless you're 
tied up by a cute butch in a kilt
Cathy, looking cute in her
butch kilt, ties us up

The ritual

Morgan and David with our Quarters
We begin the ritual
We braided our handfasting cord from strands of cotton rope dyed in the colors of the four elements, and (since it wasn't ready in time for anyone to memorize) we printed out the ritual text, and tied each person's copy in thread of the appropriate color.

Let the four Quarters be honoured that power may enter our circle.

With the blessing of the deep and fruitful earth, we call upon the powers of the North. Be welcome, powers of Earth. I summon your presence, that you may bless these two people with strength and wisdom, to be theirs as long as life and love lasts.

With the blessing of the inner fire of the sun, we call upon the powers of the South. Be welcome, powers of Fire. I summon your presence, that you may bless this couple with passion, ever burning yet never one consuming the other.

Sam calls upon the powers of Water Cathy summons the powers of Air
Storm of the X-men will just have to suck it up
With the blessing of the sacred waters, we call upon the powers of the West. Be welcome, powers of Water. I summon your presence, that you may bless this couple with a love as deep as any ocean.

With the blessing of the clear pure air, we call upon the powers of the East. Be welcome, powers of Air. I summon your presence, that you may weave tightly the bonds of Heart, Spirit, and Love between these two. Let none undo the fabric of their love.

May the harmony of our circle be complete.

We stand here in the presence of Earth and Water, Air and Fire to celebrate the joining of our lives by the fastening of hands. May our Union be filled with their gifts.

COUPLE (to each other, simultaneously):
I pledge to you my love - love that will honour your inner self, love that will support and cherish your growth, love that will endure through darkness and flourish in light. I pledge to you my self, mind, heart, body and soul. Now and always, you are my beloved.

We vow to maintain this pledge in freedom, for as long as love shall last.

Kathy demonstrates her girl guide skills
A short butch ties us up
Bless these hands, that they may always hold one another. Give them the strength to hold on during the storms of stress and the dark of disillusionment. Keep them tender and gentle as they nurture each other in their love.

(WRAP CORD AROUND COUPLE'S WRISTS) Accept the Blessing of the Element of Earth. May your union be strong and enduring.

(WRAP CORD AROUND COUPLE'S WRISTS) Accept the Blessing of the Element of Fire. May your home be filled with warmth.

(WRAP CORD AROUND COUPLE'S WRISTS) Accept the Blessing of the Element of Water. May your life together be filled with love.

(WRAP CORD AROUND COUPLE'S WRISTS) Accept the Blessing of the Element of Air. May your love for each other be boundless.

Let all present bear witness that Morgan and David are joined in love, joy and freedom.

Sadie knows a thing or two about ropes
A tall butch unties us
(CALLERS unbind the couple's wrists.)

We thank the Powers for their presence.
Grant, O Powers, thy Protection,
And in Protection, Strength
And in Strength, Understanding
And in Understanding, Knowledge
And in Knowledge, Love.
Now let the spirits of the Four Quarters be thanked for their blessings.

In the name of the element of air, we thank the powers of the East. We bid you, hail and farewell.

In the name of the element of water we thank the powers of the West. We bid you, hail and farewell.

In the name of the element of fire, we thank the powers of the South. We bid you, hail and farewell.

In the name of the element of earth, we thank the powers of the North. We bid you, hail and farewell.

We thank the Powers for hallowing our union, and we thank as well those present, in body or in spirit, for celebrating with us this day.


Sam did an excellent job controlling the rain, which did not begin to fall until after the ritual was over. Dodging raindrops, we quickly headed to the Halfway House Inn which we had reserved for the reception.

Cathy reads from The Prophet
Dressed to the nines,
Cathy reads from The Prophet
Once everyone was settled in, Cathy read from Kahlil Gibran's "The Prophet":

Then Almitra spoke again and said, And what of Marriage, master?
And he answered saying:
You were born together, and together you shall be forevermore.
You shall be together when the white wings of death scatter your days.
Aye, you shall be together even in the silent memory of God.
But let there be spaces in your togetherness,
And let the winds of the heavens dance between you.
Love one another but make not a bond of love;
Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.
Fill each other's cup but drink not from one cup.
Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf.
Sing and dance together and be joyous but let each of you be alone,
Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music.
Give your hearts, but not into each other's keeping.
For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts.
And stand together, yet not too near together:
For the pillars of the temple stand apart,
And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other's shadow.

And then things got more chaotic...

Lots of people
There were lots of people (Morgan &
colleagues Derek, Diana, Walter, Sandra, Ripley)

Drinking and its effects
And lots of drinking
(Ronald and David's sister Angela)

David and Morgan momentarily surrender to tradition
And some people ate stuff, too.

Leslie looking very photogenic
Sadie's partner Leslie,
who won the award for most photogenic guest
Chris tells how she met Morgan David's father is his normal self
There were speeches, some more deranged than
others (Christina Carr and David's father, Gary)

Massage conga line
And an impromptu massage conga line
David's uncle (Joe) and sister (Angela), with Sadie

David's insane parents
But David's parents behaved with decorum and restraint

We can't keep our paws off each other
Eventually, everyone left in search of insulin,
and we headed home to find a room.