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Script Page

About the Play

Writing and directing a Star Trek parody play can be a wild ride indeed. This one started one evening in early 1996 while I was answering the phones at the Toronto Acting and Modelling Information Service Hotline. Somehow, in the middle of giving the usual spiel about how to find a reliable agent, I connected with the person on the other end of the line and we started talking about all kinds of things, such as our mutual love of Star Trek, my experience with theatre, my writing... and suddenly, I discover that I'm talking to Christina Carr, the Play Coordinator for the Toronto Trek convention - and she desperately needs someone to write her a script. Thus began, not only the fan experience of a lifetime, but a deeply valued friendship.

Not wanting to work in a vacuum for my first endeavour in this genre, I called on my friend - and fellow writer - Cathy McKim. Cathy contributed many of the monologues in the play and helped me hammer out the dialogue. My then-partner Peter Guts gave us many suggestions on punching up the technobabble quotient. Then Christina and I sat down together and went through the whole thing again - making it tighter, funnier, and stranger.

Then things got really wild. The play found itself without a director, and Christina asked me to direct with help from another friend of hers, Nancy O'Neill. Then we lost our Worf. We re-cast. Then we lost our Ensign. Not a huge part, we re-cast again. Then, just a week before the con, we lost our Kira. Cathy stepped in, learning lines and blocking in a phenomenally short rehearsal time. And then... we went to the con and had a ball.

Production Credits for "The Long Dark Temporal Anomoly of the Soul"

Cast photo

Another Cast photo
Cast photos
Presented by Runabout Productions
August 3 & 4, 1996
Toronto Trek X Convention
Regal Constellation Hotel, Toronto

Odo (voice only) Martin Hunger
Quark (voice only) Martin Hunger
Leeta Jo Frankel
Jim Aaron Yorgason
Ensign Phas'eer Bayt Sandy Ramdin
Miles O'Brien Lance Sibley
Julian Bashir Martin Hunger
Benjamin Sisko Kevin David
Kira Nerys Cathy McKim
Worf Dave Taylor
Dax Christina Carr
Kai Winn Esther Jaciuk
Station Computer (voice only) Christina Carr
The Fourth Doctor John Rakich

Produced by Christina Carr
Directed by Morgan MacLeod
Nancy O'Neill
Technical director Peter Sprokkelenburg