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About me:

Egotistical ravings

Regarding dragons





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About me

A close relative of the author
K. Chin, Title unknown
In reality, and in cyberspace, I am a dragon. Not the dumpy lizard with bat wings sort of creature that you see in Medieval European tapestries losing battles against Saint George. Nor the saccharinized, domesticated, fire-breathing aerial beasts of burden you read about in those Pern books. No, I am a completely undomesticated, genuine, sinuously graceful, total-eclipse causing Eastern dragon, of the sort you see depicted here. In the fall, my old scales turn all the colors of fire and fall off me to blanket the ground. Underneath, my new scales begin hoarfrost white, then turn glowing green in the spring. I relight the sun with my breath each dawn, and snuff it out in the evening with my claws.

When I am at peace, my purring is the sound of Victoria falls. My breath is a warm summer breeze, and my laughter echoes in the trees on spring mornings. My iridescent scales glisten in every rainbow and dewdrop, and my aura is the warmth of a morning sunbeam. In war, my growls are the thunderstorm and my unsheathed claws split the earth with lightning. My snorts are California wildfires, the full force of my breath a thousand erupting volcanoes. The earth quakes under my beating tail, my wings raise typhoons, and my roar is the sound of Krakatoa exploding.

You can see why all the ancient authorities agree that it is quite unwise to become a dragon's enemy.

More prosaically

Dragons who read too much
Mark Ferrari, "Bookwyrm"
I should point out that all dragons are polymorphous, which is how we have carefully maintained the fiction that we are extinct and/or mythical. For instance, because I really don't want to be constantly mobbed by Anne McCaffrey and Tolkien groupies, I usually "pass" day-to-day as a human. I am also able by this method to avoid the attention of those annoying humans wearing metal suits riding horses and armed with lances.

Now don't come out to my home looking for piles of gold. I am an academic dragon, and as such it was probably inevitable that I broke with an ancient cultural tradition and began to hoard books instead, by such priceless authors as Pat Califia, Samuel Delaney, Tanith Lee, Ursula LeGuin, Donna Minkowitz, Minnie Bruce Pratt, Carol Queen, Joanna Russ, Jessica Amanda Salmonson, Sarah Schulman, Melissa Scott, James Tiptree, and John Varley, to name a baker's dozen. And you will be quite baked yourself if you try to steal any of them from me.

I hate it when the grocery store closes early
Author/Title Unknown
Baked, but not eaten. In stories, dragons are always rampaging around, devouring flocks of forest herbivores, domesticated ruminants, and the occasional peasant, burning entire villages to the ground, and menacing the innocent knights in shining armor who the villagers stake out on the mountainside as propitiatory sacrifices. The stories usually end with a fair maiden coming along in the nick of time to slay the dragon and rescue the knight, who usually rewards her in the only way he knows how, and, if he is also a good cook, the story ends with both humans living happily ever after. But those are just stories. I do occasionally dine on charred animal flesh, but I buy it at the grocery store. I don't consume people, although whenever I encounter a truly annoying jerk I am tempted to have myself a little smoked jerkey.

Mundane life stuff

The most beautiful maiden in all the world
My maiden at her most beautiful
Like most dragons I have a strong preference for maidens, and a few years ago I finally met the lady of my dreams, the wonderful and precious Morgan, whose beautiful picture appears here.

In addition to being beautiful, loving, and precious, Morgan is a writer, artist, and statistical proofreader. More information about her is available on her very modest home page.

We have been living in sin together since 1998 and blissfully handfasted since 2001.

Anglea visiting with Saint Francis
The nicest sister a dragon could wish for
I think you'll agree that one can hardly be a proper dragon without a little melodrama. The modern world, regrettably, has little time for tales of vile knights, captive wyrms, and valiant maidens in shining armor. So I was very, very happy indeed to discover that I had a long lost relative living in a far away land.

Angela is her name, and while she is not a dragon, she is a marvelous human being and the nicest sister any dragon could possibly want. What's more, her two daughters, Shannon and Casey, are simply too cute for words (Shannon is the cat, Casey the mouse).

What else? I write, or do things to avoid writing (I am better at the latter than the former). I understand computers fairly well but don't put on airs about it like some people. Aside from hoarding books, I also collect old superheroine comics.


The author in butterfly form communes with Saint Francis
Communing with Saint Francis
Here you see the author in butterfly form communing with Saint Francis. I do enjoy the out of doors, but as an urban dweller rarely have the chance to indulge. One thing I can do in the city, however, is feed hapless delegged crickets and grasshoppers to spiders in the summer. And when I see one, I always try to catch a praying mantis and fatten it up with lots of nice juicy flies for a few weeks before letting it go. There's just something about predators that fascinates me.


My lady Morgan and I live in Toronto. My sister Angela lives in Austin.