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For a while in 1996 and 97, I a strong fan of Xena, Warrior Princess. I really enjoyed the show, and enjoyed even more choosing to interpret the friendship between Xena and Gabrielle in a less than platonic light. So be warned that The Gates of Horn and Ivory, while strictly PG, is hardly heterosexual in orientation. Shortly after I finished the story, Xena took a nosedive in ratings and quality. It seems to me the creators never understood the power or significance of the archetypes they were working with, and after a while their perception that they were just making another schlock TV show became the truth. But this tale is from the early years of the show, when Xena was still a William Blake-like modern myth about a warrior's quest for forgiveness and redemption without giving up her sword, and about an optimist's quest for experience and wisdom without giving up her innocence. Enjoy.